Saturday, September 6, 2008

I have to admire the man of my dreams.

Well it's Saturday afternoon and once again I'm sitting at home with just the curtain climbers of my life. (and some neighborhood ones). It's not a bad feeling to know that I really and truly don't have anything to do today. I hate to have to go to the store on Saturdays and Sundays so I try to get it all done on Fridays. My husband  works most Saturdays to keep our family and his job running smoothly so I have to give him my utmost admiration that he is a good and decent man. He works hard for his family without any prodding from me he just does it. I get to be a stay-at-home-mom and I home school our  kids. He loves what he does at work and they love him and the quality of work he produces. He's moved up several times within the company and now they are sending him to school to give him even more responsibility. They love the fact that even while he works his night shift position and gets off at 3:30 am he will most times be right back up there sat morning at 7 am to work again until 3:30 pm. He is both dedicated to his work and to his family not necessarily in that order.
I've been quite ill over the past 3-4 years and where we are living these days we don't live close to family (at least none we can count on in a pinch). My husband has had to spends weeks with me while I spent time in the hospital on three occasions. His job has been so cool about him taking time off to take care of me. If I need him to take me to the ER they don't even question the validity of these events. But than the people at his job have stood behind us as very good friends to help when we needed it also, they are some great guys that work with him too.
I've loved my husband for many years and met him when I was 15. I don't know what I'd do without him and yes we've had our ups and downs but now we work together like a well-oiled machine. We have always been on the same wave length of sorts almost like being psychic with each other. We can share and finish the same thoughts without even trying. I can go to the store and feel the need to buy something that I feel like he wants and get home only to his surprise that he was thinking the same thing while I was gone. Its so weird sometimes but it just shows how much we were mfeo. (made for each other). I know that people meet us and wish they worked as good together as we do. Love can't pay your bills like my mom used to say but she finally realized one day that it was great that I had a man that loves me and I him as much as we do.

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