Monday, December 6, 2010

What's new?!

Lots of spanking going on some fun some not so fun. Been off my meds for about a month seems to be mostly good. I've found some new energy to not being on it but the blues come harder than I'm used to. I don't want to be medicated and don't like to take anything unless I absolutely have to and with my not having a thyroid anymore I have to take that med or I'm cold all the time. But no Welbutrin has been better than I expected. My hair is coming back or at least not falling out as much. (thanks to the blogger who posted that tidbit I didn't know). I had one horribly bad, down depressed day last week I think the day before Thanksgiving. You know those days you cry for nothing and everything I needed to be spanked but really didn't want to ask and thank goodness Tim saw the need. I haven't ever cried while being spanked but I've felt like I've wanted to or needed to but never have had it happened. He brought me right to the brink of it and stopped. I'm not sure what made him stop can't remember if he asked me to stop or if he just did not that it wasn't memorable but it was all different for me. I would have liked him to go on just to see how it would feel but leaving that up to him. He did ask about it said he heard me sniffling a little did I want to talk about it my answer was no I couldn't I just wanted to sleep. Things were better for me the next day. That Friday we went to pick up one of our grand kids for a short while that lasted way to long for me and our kids. We are not in practice to have little ones around they get on our nerves for longer than they should be here considering he's 3 and not yet potty trained. My stepdaughters child is who he belongs to and we don't get to see them often but when we do it takes so much out of us and so much is expected from us that it turns an otherwise visit into hell. Needless to say he went back after a week and his parents got to spend some partying time that they complain they never get. WWWAAAA!!! is always my reply considering we are never without our kids and I mean EVER so I don't have much sympathy for them. Its called parenthood for goodness sake. Anyway we like our life with our kids and our peace and our lifestyle just fine by ourselves.
Thanks to another blogger that I share with Tim,  he figured out there are such things as good girl spankings too. LOL So we got one of those the other day. All things work in this relationship and he's getting the ideal of good things can actually be when he is HoH. While we were out taking said grandchild home yesterday we stopped to get something to eat and I got onion rings with my order which he replied he wished he had seen them too. I told Tim well its too bad there isn't anything you can do to make me share them. Right in front of the kids he said "Oh yea I'll just take you out to the car and bend you over the back and gave the motion of swinging in to spank my behind." Our oldest 9 yr old was behind me and saw this! Tim said he just rolled his eyes and laughed and turned his head. LOL Ever since we started TTWD he has had no problems mentioning the s word in front of anyone. He's such a jokester that everyone takes it in jest you know haha your so funny but I know yes he's joking now but don't push him cause my butt will pay for it. I've noticed he's gotten quite comfortable with the whole spanking word. He's even gotten more comfortable with the new leather belt I bought him. Why do we do this? I know I must be nuts who in their right mind would want to be spanked with anything at all let alone a belt.  So happy for him.


B'Man said...

Only a true spanko would by a leather belt for her HoH.

Sounds like things are going wonderfully over there!

Hisprincess said...

B'Man so true only wish this spanko had been more courageous yrs ago and had spoken up. We would have many yrs of fun and loving instead of fussing and fighting.